Now is the perfect time to dive head first into your bowhunting rig. Here are 5 things you should do to your bow this summer while the temps are rising and the days are getting longer.

While shooting and scouting are important topics, when it comes to hunting whitetail bucks in rough country physical preparation is the most vital piece of the overall puzzle.
Badlands Summit Backpack Review By Steve FloresI can still remember my first experience with a Badlands backpack. It was several years ago and I was in Texas on a whitetail hunt testing a new bow sight that had yet to hit the market. All of the writers in
A SECOND CHANCE Bowhunting Stirs up Special Memories On This Father’s Day By Steve Flores In honor of Father’s Day I wanted to share this story of my Dad with you…..I am surrounded by a gymnasium full of children when I get the call. As I walk down the lo
Having grown up in the southern mountains of West Virginia, I feel more than qualified to talk about the needs of the mountain bowhunter. One of those needs is bow transportation. With the exploding popularity of UTV’s, and the vast number of bowhunters w
Get a look inside the gear that veteran turky hunter Steve Flores will be carrying into the West Virginia woods this Spring.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Watching the beast make his way past my stand while in pursuit of a hot doe, coming to full draw and sending an arrow through the largest whitetail I’ve ever laid eyes on. Years of day dreaming, hours and hours of exha
Get an in depth look at the new Antidote backpack from Blacks Creek. It's 3,000 inches of storage space and internal frame are great for hauling heavy loads of bowhunting gear.
When it comes to carrying your bow you have three options. Carry it in your hand, strap it to your back pack, or use a bow sling. Over the years I have employed all of the above tactics. And while I prefer the hands free circumstance that my back pack all
KTech Designs StabilizersBy Steve FloresWhen I was a green bowhunter I thought that the primary purpose of that “tube-like” mechanism protruding from the front of my bow (stabilizer) was to add a little weight. And while that thought may have held some tr
I love single-pin adjustable sights. In my opinion, why complicate an already chaotic situation by adding 3-4 brightly colored aiming points of varying color and or shape. In my humble opinion, simplicity during the moment of truth only leads to more fill
With the 2013 bow season quickly becoming a distant memory it’s time to look back and reflect on how your season turned out. Did you get your buck? If so, enjoy the fruits of your labor and be thankful. If not, then it’s going to be a long year; I know be
Another ATA Show behind us as Day 3 comes to a close. We saw a lot of great bowhunting products and can't wait to get them in the field.
For some bowhunters, the release of the 2014 Mathews Creed XS may feel a lot like déjà vu....at least on paper. However, the follow up to last year’s highly popular model is anything but the same bow with a different name. Sure, there are similarities bet
Masko Outdoor Gear has one of the most versatile packs on the market with the new Hawker. The key point to this pack is that you can carry all of your gear with you while you are climbing or stalking and when the shot presents itself, you simply detach on
Archery has improved their already proven limb dampers with the addition of the Hybrid Limb Damper that has a universal damper and fits limbs anywhere from 5/8 to ¾” spilt and ¾ to 1 inch limbs.
One of the more interesting ideas to hit food attractants comes from the folks at Evolved Habitat. Their new Dirt Bag food attractant may look brown to the eye but deer see it much differently. Using a special coating process called GLO Cote, the attracta
Also look for the companies highly popular Deer Cane in a new liquid, spray formula. This new spray also has GLO Cote meaning you can spray foliage that is up off the ground making it even easier for deer to find your attractant. The possibilities are rea
When the weather gets cold, you need to stay warm in the woods or your hunt won’t last long. Luckily for bowhunters, garments have really advanced in the last couple decades. Not long ago, if you wanted to bow hunt in cold weather you only had a couple of
PronghornDanner is proud to announce that they have constructed an all new, upgraded Pronghorn…their most iconic boot to date. With an updated design, improved fit and new versatile outsole, the Pronghorn is lighter, faster and superior to the legendary p