
How Much Seed Do I Plant for Food Plots?

By July 31, 2019

Hunters are blessed with more opportunity than ever before when it comes to food plot seed, tools, and resources for making it happen. But far too often we reduce the effort to grabbing a random sack of seed from the sporting goods store and slinging it across broken soil. And while the process is getting easier all the time, there’s a number of things to consider before making the purchase on your food plot seed. “How much seed do I need to plant for food plots,” is a question that needs to be answered. What seed, how much, what time of year, and the list goes on. Our friends at Antler King are here to help answer some of the questions in the video below.

What about you? Have you taken the time to consider your goal for the food plot you’re wanting to produce? Have you thought about the process beyond merely creating a kill plot? By maximizing the variety of seeds across your hunting properties, you can have a dramatic increase on how deer use various parts of your property.

how much seed do i plant for food plots - spring-food-plots

How much seed will you plant this season?

What seed will you plant this season? How much will you plant, and where? Think it through on the front end and you’ll likely find greater success in the end.

We want to hear from you. Comment below and let us know your food plot plans for this year.

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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