Of all the whitetail bucks taken throughout our nation’s respective bow seasons last year, Missouri bowhunter Jerry Kinnaman, may have snagged the title as the most interesting and controversial one. On December 2nd, 2014, Kinnaman took a seven year old albino buck that set media outlets across the country ablaze with comments ranging from congratulatory to threat.
The firestorm surrounding the buck and the hunter would eventually settle, but according to Kinnaman’s taxidermist, Danny Wahl, in a recent interview with the Sikeston Standard Democrat, “We had to keep it a secret that it was even in the shop at all”.
Wahl, owner of “Take this job and Stuff it Taxidermy”, received the request directly from Kinnaman shortly after the hunter took the rare buck. “I’d done about eight or 10 full-body mounts before, but this one turned out to take longer. It was my first albino animal, I was excited and nervous at the same time”.
It took Wahl over 55 hours to complete the project. Costing Kinnaman over $1,800.00 for this full body mount.
Kinnaman will likely hold onto the full body mount for a couple months and has been considering loaning it to the Cape Girardeaux Conservation Nature Center to be put on display. However, he would only be interested in letting the buck be put on display if the local people want it. “I know how much of a folk hero he was around here. It might bring some comfort,” stated Kinnaman.