
Bowhunting Blog

Hunter Saftey System Product Review

2 Min Read
The Hunter Safety System is the real deal folks. Because safety is no accident. This is the first year that I used the Hunter Safety System, and I will tell you that it is the best full body harness I have ever used. I have had the opportunity to use several different harnesses, and I […]
5/8/2015May 8th, 2015

October Hunting Update - Buck Down

2 Min Read
New Property A new hunting spot usually means a lot of excitement, work, and frustration. Hanging stands can darn near kill you during the heat of the summer the excitement of what you might see out weighs any work. Justin and I had several goals for this trip: hang 5 sets, mow some walking paths, […]
5/8/2015May 8th, 2015

Early Season Success in Illinois

7 Min Read
After waiting nearly a month to get into the field, I took advantage of a great opportunity to harvest a mature doe during the early archery season here in Illinois.
5/8/2015May 8th, 2015

Bow hunting Deer Success in Wisconsin

3 Min Read
Good old Wisconsin has been very good to me over the years. I guess I really need to thank my Dad for finding this property years ago and then being nice enough to sell it to me. I will be hunting this property until the day I die, and then I hope my little man hunts it. […]
8/28/2024August 28th, 2024

Wounded Buck - Not How I Wanted to Start My Season!

4 Min Read
I was on a roll until the dreadful bad shot took place. Yes, I will say it again – I made a bad shot. Of course not on purpose, it just one of those unfortunate things that happens in the bowhunting woods. The season has been going quite well up until this point.  I have […]
5/8/2015May 8th, 2015

2008 season off to a slow start.

1 Min Read
With a little more than a week of my 2008 Ohio archery season in the books, I don't have much to report.  The early season has been real slow for me with only 5 shot opportunities so far, two does, two yearling 8 points and a button buck is all that has come into shooting […]
5/8/2015May 8th, 2015

Badlands Monster bow hunting fanny pack

6 Min Read
I decided for 2008 that I wanted to take a slightly different approach to some of my hunting.  I have a lot of fantastic areas that I have not hunted hard in the past simply because they require long hikes.  These are the kind of spots where you can’t necessarily hang a stand before hand, […]
5/8/2015May 8th, 2015

The Rage Broadhead - 2 Blade Hype

1 min
I finally gave in and got a pack of the Rage 2 blade broadheads….               You just cannot ignore the overwhelmingly positive reports on their performance… Hearing one person tout a product is one thing, but these heads have been the talk of the town for two years now.  I do not […]
5/8/2015May 8th, 2015