
October Hunting Update – Buck Down

By October 15, 20081 Comment

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

New Property
A new hunting spot usually means a lot of excitement, work, and frustration. Hanging stands can darn near kill you during the heat of the summer the excitement of what you might see out weighs any work. Justin and I had several goals for this trip: hang 5 sets, mow some walking paths, trim shooting lanes, find food sources and get out. This new spot is pretty small in the big scheme of things, but it took no time at all to find out where we would be hanging our sets. Below is a picture from our outing during a hot summer day!


Equipment Preparation
Archery season always sneaks up when you least expect it. I spent the last few days preparing for the Wisconsin bow opener. I only had to spend a few days tuning my NAP Nitrons because they were flying near pefect.


Below is a picture of Jeff, who I can't thank enough for everything I learned about filming. Now I am ready to take the next step and film my bowhunts.


Buck Down in Wisconsin
Over the years I have been very successful in Wisconsin. I owe my Dad for this because he found this property and was nice enough to sell it to me. I started hunting early Friday night and saw 4 doe all within shooting distance; however, I was looking for a buck that night.

On Saturday I woke up to a Southeast wind, which allowed me to slip into one of my known buck bedrooms. Once I got in I knew it was going to be a great hunt. A half hour later I heard bucks fighting just as it was starting to get light out. I looked over my shoulder and saw a nice 3 1/2 year old. The rest is history.


Todd's Favorite Product for 2008
I just received my Hooyman Saw and I have already deemed it my favorite product of the year. I was extremely impressed with the way it cut through small limbs. The angle of the blade to the handle makes it easy to cut without having to apply a lot of downward force.


Get your Hooyman Saw now before this product disappears. Click here to buy the Hoooyman saw or to buy other great archery products from Bowhunting.Com.

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