
2012 Mathews Dealer Show: Politics and Bowhunting

By December 3, 20121 Comment

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

It isn’t often that I mention politics with bowhunting, but when I had the opportunity to hang out with two of the most influential and inspiring individuals within those two areas, I couldn’t help but share my excitement. Matt McPherson, the man behind Mathews and perhaps the most innovative bow designs ever, needs no introduction. The other gentleman in the photo is the Governor of Wisconsin, Mr. Scott Walker.


For those that don’t know Governor Walker, when faced with a $3.6 billion deficit, Governor Walker and his state lawmakers went to work and made the tough decisions necessary to get the state’s finances back on track. Their reforms efforts allowed local governments and school districts to balance their own budgets without raising taxes. On top of the countless positive things he has done for the great state of Wisconsin, Governor Walker is also a passionate outdoorsman. In today’s political landscape, it is refreshing to find a man of his character and track record that also calls the same woods you and I roam…home. More to come from the 2012 Mathews Retailer Show!

Todd Graf
An Illinois native, Todd grew up bowhunting the swamps of Central Wisconsin. He now spends most of his time improving the habitat on his own farms while juggling multiple successful businesses, including Bowhunting.com, a web development agency and a 300 acre pheasant hunting club.
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