LAST UPDATED: September 16th, 2022
The final days of July are here! The bucks are filling out and going into the last days of antler growth. Have you started taking inventory of the bucks on the property you hunt? If not, it’s time to start getting your trail cameras loaded up with fresh batteries, SD cards, and placed in the woods.Â
But you don’t want to just hang your trail cameras at random over the local bean field. There is a method to the madness. Some locations will always produce better results than others.Â
What are these spots?Â
In the video below, Todd Graf shares the top 3 summer camera spots for big bucks.Â
1. Fence Openings
One of our favorite trail camera locations each year is the fence opening or gap. This is a manmade structure that deer will naturally use in their daily routine when it coincides with their bed to feed movement.Â
“This is a transition spot,” says Graf. “It’s become a natural crossing location for deer, and it’s the perfect spot to hang a camera.”Â
Graf also reminds hunters to avoid facing cameras directly east or west to prevent blown out shots from the sun.Â
This is one trail cam location that’ll pay off all year long.Â
2. Water Sources
Whether the deer are crossing, or drinking, water sources can make for the perfect trail camera location. Deer will always have their preferred location for crossing a creek. Find these spots, and you’ll have the perfect place to hang a camera.Â
The locations allow you to stay out of bedding areas, yet still get the inventory you need when your target buck moves from the bed to these water sources.Â
This is another trail camera location that’s good for 12 months out of the year.Â
3. Bean Fields
The end of July, as well as the month of August, will find your local deer feeding in bean fields. The key is to narrow down your search to the best spot for hanging your trail camera. You want to find where deer are entering and exiting the bean field. Find the trail that seems to get most of the traffic in and out of the field, and set up your trail cam just off that trail.Â
You can easily locate these trails by walking or driving up the field to take inventory and search for the trails that seem to get the most activity.Â
You’ll also want to scan the field for a look at what portion of the field deer are currently using the most. Look for areas of the field that have a heavy concentration of nipped-off beans and browsing.Â
Bean fields are great trail camera locations until the beans begin to turn from green to yellow/brown. At that point, it’s time to move your cameras elsewhere.Â
What about you? Where’s your favorite spot to hang a trail camera? Comment below, and let us know what you think.