
PA Teen Dodges Jail Time in Deer Abuse Case

By May 14, 202023 Comments

The opener of deer  season in Pennsylvania is always a celebrated event for hunters across the state. But for two teenage PA hunters, the 2019 deer opener brought more than they anticipated. 

The two hunters were involved in an encounter with a deer following their attempts to shoot and kill the deer. Sadly, the teens documented their inappropriate handling of the situation and posted it to social media, landing the two in a pile of trouble

Pa Teen Dodges Jail Time In Deer Abuse Case
Two teens that posted their involvement in a deer abuse stunt are finally facing judgement.

Jefferson County Court records show that Alex Smith, 18, of Brookville, was initially charged with two felony counts of aggravated cruelty to animals and two conspiracy charges, plus charges of cruelty to animals, tampering with evidence, corruption of minors and several state game law violations. Info of the other teen involved was not released because of him being a juvenile. 

According to the state commission, the teens told investigators they were hunting together on the property of the Smith family in Beaver Township when they shot the video on Nov. 30.

Watch a news video from the incident below…


To make matters even more interesting, one of the teens involved in the incident was the stepson of the local police chief.

Brookville Police Chief, Vince Markle, had identified one of the teens in the video as his stepson, Smith, and said he was sickened by the incident.

Despite what many were calling for, Smith appears to be getting off fairly light in his sentencing. Rather than jail time, Smith was sentenced to two years of probation, 200 hours of community service and must be available to the game commission to speak at hunting safety courses, schools and youth groups.

He will also be fined a total of $2,150 and his hunting license will be revoked for 15 years.

What do you think? Are these guys getting what they deserve, or getting off too easy? 

Comment below and let us know what you think. 

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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