
HHA Tetra 4-Pin Sight Review

By March 19, 2020

HHA Sports has been a leader in adjustable sight technology for more than a decade, and their Tetra line of sights has been a huge hit. For 2020, they have redesigned and expanded their line of Tetra sights to include several improvements and new models. Here’s a look at their newest addition, the Tetra 4-pin sight.

Tetra 4-Pin Sight Specs

The Tetra 4-Pin is offered with either .010 or .019 pins, mounted inside of a 1.8″ scope.  The pins alternate between green and red fibers for easier recognition in the field.  

All Tetra sights are available in both right and left-hand models and are built to accept an optional lens kit.

The Tetra 4-pin sight carries an MSRP ranging from $319 to $339.


Like all HHA products, the new line of Tetra sights are made in the USA, and they come with one of the best warranties in the business. If your product becomes damaged or broken, it’s covered under the lifetime warranty for the life of the original owner.

Hha Tetra 4 Pin Sight Review
The new line of Tetra sights are available in either a 4-pin or single-pin model.

Infinite Adjust Vertical Elevation

One improvement in the Tetra line is the infinite adjust front end. Unlike previous models, you no longer need to completely remove the scope from the sight frame to alter the vertical elevation. Now, you can just loosen the screws on the front, and slide the scope housing within the track.

The HHA Tetra provides 2.1 inches of vertical adjustment in order to meet the needs of most archers.

Hha Tetra 4 Pin Sight Review
The new infinite adjust front end allows for faster and more precise scope adjustments.

The bottom screw on the infinite adjust system provides the 2nd axis adjustment. This is used to lset your bubble level.

Along the vertical and horizontal axis you will find laser etched markings. This helps you keep track of where your sight is set, and also allows you to figure out how much you need to adjust your sight, if needed.

Gang Adjustment

Once your vertical axis is set, you can tighten it down and move on to the gang adjustment. Unlike the single-pin version, the 4-Pin Tetra sight does not feature a tool-less gang adjustment.

However, it is rather easy to adjust. You simply loosen the allen screw on the front, and you can move it side to side easily. Once you’re close to where you need it, you can tighten the screw and use the micro-adjust on the side, for fine tuning.

Hha Tetra 4 Pin Sight Review
The micro gang adjustment is perfect for fine tuning.

Adjustable Rheostat

One feature that is likely often overlooked on HHA sights, is their adjustable rheostat. The benefits of having an adjustable rheostat are reinforced in any low-light, or high-light situations.

Hha Tetra 4 Pin Sight Review
An overlooked feature of many HHA sights, is the adjustable rheostat.

On darker, cloudier days, it’s essential to have good pin visibility. Opening up the rheostat and allowing more light to be absorbed by the fibers, means that you’ll be able to see your pins better. In circumstances with too much light, like an antelope hunt in August, you can re-adjust the rheostat so that there isn’t too much light being absorbed by the fibers.

New Scope Ring

One of the most noticeable adjustments this year on the Tetra line of sights, is the new scope ring. Compared to the previous models, the scope ring is considerably larger, and is now made of a plastic ring as opposed to a sticker.

Hha Tetra 4 Pin Sight Review
The new scope ring is larger, and easier to see than the previous one.

They’ve also integrated the bubble level into the ring, instead of having it glued into the sight housing. This makes it overall easier to index and pick up through your peep sight.


If you’re in the market for a new sight this year, take a look at HHA’s newest line of Tetra sights. Whether you’re looking for a single-pin sight, or an adjustable 4 pin sight, you can find whatever you need.

The new Tetra 4-Pin sight has an MSRP of $319 to $339, it’s shipping out to retailers now, and you’ll be able to order it online in late April 2020 at – www.hhasports.com

Brad Kaufmann
Brad is a die-hard bowhunter from Northern Illinois that loves chasing whitetails and turkeys.
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