
Scent Blocker Live Wire G2

By January 7, 2014

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

This year’s second generation system is designed for peace of mind for the avid tree stand hunter.  It’s basically a 25′ spider braid line that is compact and goes around the tree and works with any TMA approved safety harness.  It prevents you from being stuck in air waiting for help – this is where you could potentially have blood pooling also known as suspension trauma.  It includes a Carabineer and is priced at $59.99.  It will fit in your pack for easy transport and works with sets that are 25′ or lower.  The hands free descent system is friction based controlling your descent and is your insurance policy against being suspended in air waiting for help in the event of a fall.

Scent Blocker Live Wire G2


Full Coverage of the 2014 ATA Show

Dan Staton
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