
Brodie Swisher

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
Latest Articles
Hunting During the Mid-day

While most hunters consider the first and last hour of the day "prime time" for killing good bucks, it's not impossible to kill them during the mid day hours as well. Here's how.

October Bucks: Can You Kill a Trophy This Time of Year?

The October Lull…fact or fiction? Although mid-October can bring about some painfully slow weeks of hunting in the deer woods there are a few things you can do to increase your odds for success.

5 Keys to a Deadly Arrow

“If you’re gonna skimp on your gear, buy a cheaper bow, but never skimp on your arrows. Go to the woods with the best quality arrows you can find.”

Factors Of Great Broadhead Performance

Before choosing a broadhead consider these important factors in broadhead design.

Pronghorn Tips That Work

Throughout much of the west, the month of August ushers in the first big game hunting opportunities of the season.....Pronghorn!

Bowhunting Pronghorn

Bowhunting Ambassadors

A recent bowfishing trip gives the author a chance to see how bowhunters, like himself, are viewed by other non-hunters. The results aren't good.

Top Broadhead Characteristics

Consider these important factors before choosing your next broadhead.

Bowhunting Spring Black Bear

Follow these 7 proven tips to score on your next spring bear adventure.


Spring has sprung and that means one thing.....It's Bowfishing Time!

Turkey Tune-Up: Essential Gear List

Turkey season is right around the corner. Here is what you need to get the most out of opening day.