October is finally here, and with that comes just about every state open to hunting! Many folks are catching up to these bucks while they are still in their summer patterns, and these hunters are taking advantage of it. Take a look at what week four has to offer.
The buck eluded this hunter for two years until he finally slipped up three days into the 2024 archery season. He thought the shot was good but called his buddy to make sure, and he got a drone up to check it out. The deer was still alive but clearly wounded, so he opted to wait until morning to take up the track, where they found this giant at the end of the blood trail.
Shooting a buck of this caliber is a remarkable feat with archery equipment, and so rewarding when you get the opportunity after countless sleepless nights on a real monarch like this Missouri deer.ย
This bowhunter from central Wisconsin was able to harvest this buck early season, with a gross score of 176 inches. 22 total points and a lot going on with this deer, Adam was able to keep his composure and make a great shot on this buck.
No stranger to big bucks, or our big buck roundups, as Lee was on here just 2 weeks ago with a different deer, he has yet another giant on the ground! Hunting urban permission ground in Georgia, he continues to get it done year in and year out through dedicated scouting in the summer and persistent door knocking.
For years this buck remained unkillable until the 7.5 year old bruiser slipped up during the second day of bow season in Illinois, leaving Colton with some big shoes to fill for that second tag.
Waiting until the perfect wind to slip into the stand, Kentucky hunter Richie McKnight got it done in early October! This buck truly is the full package with a wall of tines and sporting great mass.
They say the early bird gets the worm, and that happened on opening day in Ohio this year as he knocked down this brute on permission ground that he’s been following through trail camera intel all summer.
As the season continues, our patience will be tested as hunters often, but when the success comes it serves well as a testament to the dedication and time many of us put into this sport. Be sure to check back next week when more bucks hit the dirt!