
First hard antlered buck of the summer!

By August 28, 2008

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

It is almost that time….. I am now exactly one month away from Ohio's 2008-2009 bow opener. The anticipation has been building and last evening I got another shot of adrenaline while pulling out of a gas well access road after checking a game cam. Across the road in a very lush and green soy bean field was a bachelor group of four bucks. It was a hodgepodge of a bachelor group if I have ever saw one as well. A yearling spike, an 80 inch eight point, a 110 inch eight point and a very good looking 10 point, in hard antler I would put into the low to mid 140's!

Unfortunately, I was unable to get any photos of them. I did however run into a few more bucks as I drove to another farm. I snapped this photo about 3/4's of a mile down the road from the farm I hunt. Not a slammer, but a solid buck none-the-less.


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