
I hunt a lot of ground that has cattle and or horses, is there any kind of food plot I can make or a certain species of plant that the deer like and cows and horses don’t? Fences and deer feeders aren’t an option.

Asked By David AndraNov 25, 2022

I've got some bad news for you David, it doesn't seem to matter what you plant around cattle or horses because they'll likely destroy it by trampling or eating it. Personally, I try and avoid hunting land that has cattle on it as I've never had much success on those kinds of spots. Not saying you can't have success, because I'm sure there's been plenty of people that have had success and seen good deer in pasture ground. Instead of trying to plant a food plot, your best chance at success would be in pinch points and travel corridors, maybe even fence crossings where you can tell the deer are using. But food plots are likely not the best option in this case.

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