Deer season is opening up for many states across the country. In fact, at this time of year, each weekend brings new hunting opportunities for bowhunters somewhere across the country. It’s an exciting time to be a bowhunter! But the question is, will you be ready?Â
Have you finished all the final planning and preparation for your first hunt? Is your gear dialed in and ready for game day?Â
If you’re still finishing up with the details, be sure to check out the list below for some ideas on last minute prep for deer season.Â

Broadhead Tuning – Regardless of what the packaging may promise, be sure to practice with your broadheads before opening day. Don’t just assume your broadheads fly true. Your buddy may swear by them, but you need to know first hand how they perform with your particular setup. Screw them on the arrows you’ll be hunting with and give them a try.Â
This will help you hunt with confidence, or help eliminate any broadhead issues before the opener.Â
Trim Shooting Lanes – Get lazy here, and you’ll regret it. Make sure you have adequate clearance to make a clean shot when a deer steps into your shooting lanes. Are there any sticks or limbs that cost you a shot last year? Now is the time to knock them out. Take a pole saw to the woods and get to work to help avoid a mishap or blocked shot this season.
Wash Your Clothing – Your hunting clothes have been sitting around since last fall. The smell they’re now emitting is somewhere between slightly musty and straight stanky. Either way, it’s time to wash all your hunting clothes, gloves, mask, socks, and backpack, too.
These are the items that soak up lots of sweat and odor. Take the time to get them cleaned up before opening day. And don’t forget to store them in a scent-proof container after washing and between hunts.
Stock Up On Scent-Free Products – Washing your clothes in scent-free soap is just half the battle. Be sure to stock up on scent-free products like body wash, shampoo, deodorant and field sprays.
No, these products won’t eliminate all your human odor. But they are far less fragrant than the sweet smelling soaps and shampoos the ladies tend to keep around in the shower.
Inspect Your Safety Equipment – One of the most important moves you can make in your preseason prep is to check out and inspect all your safety equipment before your first hunt. Make sure your harness, carabiners, Lifelines, treestand straps, and climbing stick straps are all in good shape.Â
Yes, ratchet straps and cinch straps can be annoying and spendy to replace. But, it’s a small price to pay when it comes to preventing a fall.Â
Fresh Batteries In Headlamps – Make sure to replace the batteries in your headlamp. Start the season with fresh batteries. Even if last year’s batteries still have a little juice left, start the season with fresh batteries.Â
You’ll be glad you did when you’re searching for blood on an after-hours recovery search. And be sure to keep an extra headlamp in your pack. Most headlamps are made from plastic. They break fairly easily. Make sure you always have a spare.Â
Buy Your License and Tags – You might be surprised how many hunters hit the woods on opening day with an expired hunting license in their pocket. Don’t laugh! It happens far more than you think.Â
Make sure you have all the tags you need, and know what’s required of you when you do find success. This is particularly important when traveling to hunt out of state on new ground. Hunting regulations are not all created equal. Don’t let this one bite you.Â
Refresh Your Kill Kit – Hopefully you got plenty of use out of your kill kit last season. If so, it’s time to make sure you go back through and restock the items needed to be ready for this fall. Â
Consider these items: E-tape or zip-ties, latex gloves, paracord, knife, knife sharpener, meat bags / contractor bags, Dude Wipes, Sharpie, etc.Â
Sharpen Your Knife – The season is here! It’s time to sharpen the knives and be ready for the field dressing and boning chores. Be sure to hit the woods with a sharp knife this season, and make sure you have the necessary tools to stay sharp throughout the hunt.
If you’re using one of the popular replaceable blade knives, be sure to have plenty of replacement blades to keep you going throughout the butchering process.Â
Don’t be caught off guard this season. Make sure you have your gear in place and ready to roll for opening day. It’s been said, “Failing to plan, is planning to fail. Plan now for your most successful season yet!Â