
Classic Racks: Creating a Replica or Digital Backup for Your Buck

By Brodie SwisherMarch 18, 2022

Trophy antlers are priceless. Sure, you can put a price tag on most anything, but when it comes to the memories and nostalgia of the bone we’ve collected over the years, it’s hard to put a price on the trophies that hold a special place for our family and friends. 

Sadly, for a number of hunters, these special trophies are lost each year through fire, damage, or other accidents. And that’s the very reason a company called, Classic Racks was formed. I recently reached out to the owner, Mark Moudy, to get a closer look at what all the company offers. He shared the following information on what the brand can do for hunters across the country.

How We Got Started

In May of 2021, my friend, Garrett, and I booked a trip to South Africa, and we wanted to be some of the first hunters back in the country after the COVID travel restrictions were lifted. We had the hunt of our lifetime. It was the most amazing experience. Following the hunt, Garrett and I had a 26 hour flight home to reflect on the amazing trip, but also other memories and hunts we have shared. 

The topic soon switched to taxidermy and what amazing animals we would soon be adding to our collections. Over the years, Garrett and I had discussed our concerns with housefires and the inability to protect our mounts. However, this trip seemed to make things even more worrisome. We spent the remainder of the flight running through ideas of how to preserve our mounts and actually get our animals back if we ever experienced a fire.

Classic Racks: Creating A Replica Or Digital Backup For Your Buck
Looking for a little peace of mind for your trophy collection? Classic Racks has the solution.

Garrett and I knew enough about 3D scanning and CNC machines to believe it was possible to create a digital backup and to actually manufacture antlers. As soon as we landed back in the states, we went to work researching 3D scanners, CNC machines, and 3D Printers. Another big focus was researching competition to see if anyone was already doing this type of work. We found companies using scanning for scoring antlers. A couple of companies were making small figurines, but no one was making full size replicas and creating digital backups. 

Over the next several months we produced hundreds of prototypes and experiments. We hired a team of artists and taxidermists to create a painting process that closely matches the original animal and eliminates some of the inherent problems with cast replicas, such as yellowing and air bubbles. In October of 2021, Classic Racks was official and ready to do business. We hired a team of successful artists, technicians, CAD operators, and customer service professionals.

What We Offer

Scanning (Digital Backup / Archive) With this service, we schedule an appointment with a customer to go to their home, lodge, or wherever the mounts are. Classic Racks brings portable scanning equipment, along with stands to hold the taxidermy mounts while 3D scanning. After the scanning is complete, the files will be cleaned up back at Classic Racks headquarters. Once file cleanup is done, the customer will receive a USB Flash Drive that contains the 3D scanned images of their animals. 

Flash Drives can be stored in a Gun Safe, Safety Deposit Box or the Cloud for safe keeping. In the event of a fire, theft or tornado (animal loss of any kind), the flash drive information can be used to make replicas of the animal’s antlers or horns. Replica antlers come with a skull plate ready for a taxidermist to mount on a manikin. Cost for scanning/backup services is based on species type and gross score. However, whitetail racks start as low as $75.

Classic Racks: Creating A Replica Or Digital Backup For Your Buck
Classic Racks has plenty of options to preserve your trophy, regardless of loss through fire or accident.

Replicas – Similar to the above, all of our replicas start with the scanning process first. Scanning for replicas can be made through in-home appointment or by shipping originals to Classic Racks. If shipped, Classic Racks has expedited services where the antlers will be scanned immediately upon arrival so they can be returned to the customer quickly. Turnaround times for replicas are typically 2 to 4 months, depending on species and size. Pricing on replicas is based on the kind of species, size and texture (velvet, etc). Most whitetail replicas cost are around $10 to $11 per inch of gross score. 

Digital Artwork – The opportunities are endless. We have made digital repairs to broken or missing antlers and scaled antlers to be larger or smaller than the original. We have completed a project where 2 full deer shoulder mounts were scanned. The deer were modified using 3D software to look like they were fighting and locked up. The 3D files of the fighting bucks were used to make a new company logo for the owner of the deer. All of these services are custom priced and typically run by an hourly charge.

See more on this slick new service at www.classicracksco.com 

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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