By taking a few measures when setting up your trail cameras, you can improve the quality of the photos you receive.
1/26/2015January 26th, 2015 You can use your trail cameras to do a survey of the deer on your property to determine buck to doe ratios, herd health and even the best places to hunt come fall.
1/26/2015January 26th, 2015 Once your trophy is down you can spoil the mount if you don't take a few measures to assure the best possible product makes it to the taxidermist's shop.
1/26/2015January 26th, 2015 Get your peep sight to come back square to your eye every time so you don't have to use rubber tubing.
1/26/2015January 26th, 2015 Don't overlook the importance of strength when aiming. Strong shooting muscles will allow you to relax and hold steady.
1/26/2015January 26th, 2015