Mathews Engage Limb Legs

By Brodie SwisherJanuary 16, 2020

Bowhunters love practical tools that make life easier when in the woods or on the tournament trail. We’re always on the lookout for such tools as we make the rounds at the tradeshows each year. That’s why we were excited when we came across the all-new Mathews Engage Limb Legs. A brand new bow holder designed to keep your bow at the ready, regardless of whether you’re hunting in the ground blind, or out back on the range.

Check out the Mathews Engage Limb Legs in the video below…


The Engage Limb Legs are designed to quickly and quietly attach to the limb pocket on your Mathews bow.  Once attached, simply fold the legs open and you have a bow stand that keeps both your cam and your arrow completely off the ground. No more mud, crud, or wear and tear to your bowstring or cam. When you’re done hunting, the Engage Limb Legs can be removed, folded up and stored in your pocket or pack.

Mathews engage limb legs - Limb-Legs-on-Floor

The Mathews Engage Limb Legs keep your bow ready for action and free from contact on the ground.

The best part? You can shoot with the limb legs attached to your bow, and since they don’t touch your limbs, they will not affect accuracy.

The Engage Limb Legs work for all Mathews wide-limb bows, from the Halon to newer bow models. They are priced at $79.99 and can be ordered at

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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