Kentucky is First to Allow Sandhill Crane Hunting

By Hunting NetworkJune 22, 2011

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

Kentucky hunters can rejoice in the fact that they have just become the first state east of the Mississippi to allow hunting of sandhill cranes. Decoy makers can rejoice in the fact that they now have a new market to sell in – assuming they make giant sandhill crane decoys.

Earlier this month, the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission, along with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, approved a four-week long hunting season for sandhill cranes that will run from December 17th to January 15th, 2012. About 400 birds are expected to be killed during the season which has a two tag limit per person.

A sandhill crane stalks its next meal.

Sandhill crane populations nearly reached extinction level in the earliest parts of the 1900s but rebounded extensively since. Today the cranes eastern population is estimated at around 60,000 birds.

Sandhill cranes have a wingspan of 6-8 feet (depending on subspecies), can weigh as much as eight pounds, and stand at nearly 40 inches in height.

Because none of us here at the Hunting Network have ever seen a hunter harvest photo with a sandhill crane before, we would like to extend an invitation to Kentucky hunters who are lucky enough to take one to please post your photos on our Facebook page. If you happen to find a sandhill crane decoy, feel free to post that photo too. Thank you and good luck!

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