Top Ten Reasons YOU Should Be Hanging Your Treestands NOW

By Hunting NetworkMarch 22, 2011

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

Let’s face it, hanging treestands is about our least favorite part of deer hunting. It’s bad enough we take full days away from our families from October through November chasing deer and now we have to take a few more just to sweat 20 feet up in the canopy. All in the name of preparation for something that occurs days, weeks, or even months later – the deer season.

So the question is: Hang stands now and hang out the rest of the spring and summer with family – or – Hang later and take a few days throughout the summer?

The Hunting Network staff believes that RIGHT NOW is the best time to hang stands and we’ve thrown together our top ten reasons why.

You can thank us later.

10. Schedules. May-July is often the busiest time of the year for anybody. They’re typically the months when weddings, graduations, and other outdoor get-togethers are at their peak. This makes getting a weekend together with your hunting group that much harder. Hang now or forever hold your peace.

9. Spider-webs. We can’t think of anything more unpleasant than carrying a stand on your back, pole saw in one hand, climbing sticks in another and that feeling of helplessness after walking into an invisible mess strung 6 feet across the forest floor. The feeling is even worse when you feel a slight thump against your chest and stare down at a golf ball size arachnid. That ain’t normal.

8. Accidental shed finds. Happens every year it seems. While walking a ridge, looking for that next best spot to hang a stand, someone always runs across at least one antler that you swear your buddy must have missed. Beat the tree-rats and get lucky before it becomes a chew toy.

7. Poisonous plants. Even though some of them can still get you scratching before they leaf-up, they’re still small enough this time of year so that it becomes a less likely occurrence. Plus, it can be really difficult to identify these boorish plants by the stem alone. What’s the saying – ignorance is bliss.

6. The weather. There is nothing worse than walking up the Buckthorn side of a STEEP ravine in 90 degree heat on the way to search for a new funnel. Not to mention you’re carrying an extra 50 pounds of gear with you. Trust us on this one. Hang stands when it’s still only 50 degrees. Nobody wants to see you with your shirt off.

5. Deer flies. In Greek mythology these annoying little buggers brought down the fall of Zeus himself. And they LOVE to give affection to your scalp. Avoid them completely by hiking into the woods before they hatch.

4. Post-season sign. The woods lay out like a map before the green up occurs. Scrapes, rubs, and trails glow in the woods right now but fade quickly once spring arrives. This time of year the woods look much like they did last November. Go see what you’ve been missing.

3. Gas prices. Once the summer driving season begins, expect this aggravating little expense to soar – robbing you and the mouths you feed of your hard earned dollar. Why not take the drive while it’s still .40 cents cheaper?

2. Mosquitoes.  I don’t think we have to remind you of these little vampires patrolling your woods in June – by the hundreds!

1. Ticks in places only your wife should visit. Need we say more!?

Just looking at this picture gives us the creeps.

Have any more reasons why we should be hanging stands now to add to our list? We want to hear them.Drop us a line on our Facebook page.

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