The Best Bows for Bowfishing

By Brodie SwisherJune 25, 2015

LAST UPDATED: March 10th, 2017

If you asked someone their thoughts on the best bow for bowfishing 10 years ago, you’d likely hear, “Go to the pawn shop and get the cheapest old bow you can find.” Pawn shop bows were standard equipment a decade ago for shooting fish. However, times are changing quickly and so are the bow offerings now available to the bowfishing community. The thought process on money spent on a bowfishing bow is also changing drastically. Shooters are now hanging up their old “vintage” bows and purchasing bowfishing rigs that cost as much as the bow they’d shoot for deer and other big game. Although it’s not a requirement to break the bank on a bowfishing setup, having quality equipment will certainly help prolong your enjoyment of this growing sport.

Here’s a list of some of the best bowfishing bows from the guys and gals who love to chase fish with a bow.

There’s plenty of great new bow options to make your next bowfishing trip a huge success. And the beautiful thing is, there is something for everybody with plenty of options in varying price, function, and fit. Take the plunge this summer and experience bowfishing like never before with one of the great bows.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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