The Hunting Public on the Most Important Turkey Call to Master

By Brodie SwisherMarch 2, 2020

We recently had the chance to catch up with the crew from The Hunting Public to talk turkey while at the NWTF Show in Nashville, TN. Knowing these guys are pretty much obsessed with chasing turkeys, we figured they’d be the perfect ones to ask about turkey vocalizations and the calls turkey hunters should know and use. In the video below, THP team member, Aaron Warbritton, shares what he considers the most important turkey call to master.

Check it out here…

As Aaron mentions in the video above, the plain yelp of the hen turkey is easily the most important call in the turkey hunter’s arsenal. It’s the basic call in the turkey vocabulary, but it’s still one of the most deadly sounds you can use.

Sure, a lot of guys like to pop off with a lot of excited cutting sounds to get a turkey cranked up and gobbling. The problem is, these sounds often make a gobbler stand his ground as he waits on the hen (you) to come to him.

The plain yelp is a more subtle, contented sound that will put a gobbler at ease and bring him your way. Don’t overlook this sound! Just because he’s not gobbling doesn’t mean he’s not coming.


The Hunting Public crew at the NWTF Show

As stated by Warbritton, start your calling routine off with the plain yelp. If you don’t get a response, then you can work your way up to more excited sounds to strike a gobbler. But it’s always best to start slow, particularly when dealing with tough, pressured turkeys.

Remember, less can be more when it comes to calling turkeys. Start soft. Use your plain yelps, then work your way up as you call to your gobblers this spring.

What about you? What are you favorite calls to talk turkey each spring? Comment below and let us know.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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