Bowstring Maintenance Through the Season [Video]

By Brodie SwisherDecember 2, 2019

The rigors of hunting season can be tough on our equipment. Our gear gets used and abused as we spend day after day in the harshest of weather in search of big game. But few things tend to reflect the abuse dished out like our bowstring. You’ll see it about mid-way through the season. Your string will become worn, frayed and frazzled. And while some bowhunters just ignore the string wear, others realize the importance of bowstring maintenance. Below is a look at why bowstring maintenance is important and how to make it happen.


Do you wax your string throughout the hunting season?

Check out this video from our friends at America’s Best Bowstrings on bowstring maintenance…


As mentioned in the video above, ABB makes their own premium bowstring wax, but there are other options out there as well. Wax isn’t real expensive, so buy the good stuff.

ABB’s Premium Bowstring Wax delivers a silicon based, scent free wax to treat and protect your string. It is water resistant and abrasion resistant. It’s truly designed to protect your string from the elements.

Regardless of whether you have a stock string on your bow, or a premium custom bowstring like the ones from ABB, you can make your string last longer with some routine bowstring maintenance.

How Do You Apply It?

Bowstring wax from ABB – $8.99

A light coat of wax on your string is all that is needed from time to time to protect and ensure long life from your string. While some rub the tube of wax directly on the string, others dab a light coat on their thumb and index finger and work into the exposed string. Using your fingers seems to allow you to work the wax into your string more consistently from top to bottom.

Do not apply string wax to any the serving on your bowstring. This may cause the serving to slip and become loose.

Do not apply bowstring wax to a string that is wet or has been exposed to moisture. Why does it matter? Wax on a wet string has the opposite effect of what you’re trying to accomplish. Instead of preventing moisture on your strings, you’ll lock moisture into your string when applying wax to a wet bowstring.

Use a Bow Sling to Protect Your Bowstring

Sitka Bow Sling

While they were designed to help you carry your bow hands-free and in comfort, better bow slings also provide protection for your bowstring, keeping them from becoming tattered and worn while busting through brush and the backcountry.

I’ve used bow slings from Primos as well as from Sitka Gear. I love a bow sling for keeping  my hands free as I hike in or ride an ATV to my hunting area. These slings do a great job of keeping mud and debris from getting in my cams, but they also work really well for protecting my bowstring. They’re a great way to keep your string looking like new and performing flawlessly throughout the hunting season.

Don’t neglect your string. Taking care of your bowstring is an investment in time and money as you extend the years of use by performing some routine bowstring maintenance throughout the season.

Be sure to check out ABB’s Premium Bowstring Wax, as well as their complete line of custom bowstrings, at their website at

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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