Guner Womack Buck Taken in First Year of Bowhunting

By Brodie SwisherOctober 24, 20191 Comment

The Guner Womack buck has been blowing up on social media over the last 24 hours as the Oklahoma 8×8 typical has grabbed the attention of whitetail hunters everywhere. It’s the buck that most deer hunters wait a lifetime for. Ironically, Womack killed the buck in his first year of bowhunting. That’s right! While he’s been hunting since he was much younger. This giant 8×8 buck comes in his first season of bowhunting.


First deer with a bow, in his rookie season of bowhunting, for Guner Womack.

Official scores are still pending, but some are saying it could be the largest typical buck ever taken in Oklahoma, beating out the current record of 194 inches. And when it first hit the ground and rough scores were being gathered, some said it may give the world record typical buck (Hanson Buck 213+ inches) a run for it’s money.

Womack is an 18-year-old college freshman at OSU. He killed the giant buck while hunting on family land in Pawnee County on October 22nd.

The Womack family says the buck was a 4 1/2 year-old buck they’d been watching grow the last few years on their land. Womack was hunting a wheat field when the buck came by his stand, giving him a shot at 25 yards.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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