Where Should I Plant Food Plots?

By Brodie SwisherAugust 7, 2019

One of the most basic questions that comes with planting food plots is, “Where should I plant food plots?” It may seem obvious depending on the terrain you hunt, but there are some locations that simply produce better than others. Strategy certainly comes into play when trying to maximize deer activity at your plot locations. There are some basic questions that need answered before you begin to scatter seed. Check out the next video in our Antler King food plot series for a closer look at where you need to plant your food plots this season.


Food plots that produce are thought out and well planned. Don’t think that simply scattering seed in any opening on the property will be effective. Position your food plots in the right spot and you’ll likely find yourself in the hot seat when deer season arrives.

where should I plant food plots? - spring-food-plots

Feed plots vs. Kill plots – which are you trying to achieve?

Feed Plots

Feed plots are typically larger in size and, as the name implies, designed to provide a substantial amount of food for your deer herd. These are fields that vary in size, from 3-5 acres or more. They are generally more uniform in size, often square or rectangle in shape and will draw deer from a considerable distance. These will basically be the large fields on the properties you hunt.

Kill Plots

Kill plots, or hunt plots, are basically designed to be an ambush point for you during the hunting season. They are smaller plots that often serve as a staging area as deer travel out to Ag fields or larger feed plots. Half acre – 3/4 acre kill plots are pretty much the norm, but these plots can be much smaller, or larger depending on what your terrain allows. These plots are generally irregular in shape and often designed to funnel deer past your stand. The Hour-glass shaped plot is one of the more popular plot shapes that creates the perfect pinch point to push deer past your stand.

Deer feel safe in these smaller plots. In one to two bounds they can clear the plot in the event of danger. There’s generally a lot of cover and edge around these plots, another preferred environment for deer.

As the video above mentions, don’t ever discount a potential food plot because of size. Even plots as small as 1/8th of an acre can draw deer to your stand. Old logging roads or lanes can also be the perfect spot to create a kill plot. Just don’t plant these plots too close to the road or public access and visibility.

We want to hear from you! What’s your favorite food plot location, and why? Comment below and let us know.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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