Age This Buck

By Brodie SwisherJuly 16, 2019213 Comments

It’s time once again for another Age This Buck entry! But before we give you a look at the latest entry, we want to give the results of last month’s buck. The photo of the buck we featured for June is below. It’s a big, massive buck that Todd Graf has been watching over the last couple years. It’s rack doesn’t appear to be too impressive. That is until you see just how massive he is.

Take a look…

age this buck mass buck stealth Cam (Custom)

How old did you guess the buck to be? Todd is calling this buck a 5-year-old due to its body build and pure antler mass up top. Since they don’t know exactly how old it is, we’ll say that anyone who guessed 5 or 6, counts as a correct guess. After tallying up all the votes, here’s what the guesses looked like:

With a hefty majority of people guessing between 4-7 years old, I think it’s safe to say that most of you were in the right mindset thinking that he was a mature buck, in spite of his smaller rack. We had a total of 79 people make guesses, and of those 79, 35 said either 5 or 6 years old. We then took all of those names, and randomly selected a winner for the BHOD prize pack, and that winner is…..Nathan Kurtz! Congrats to Nathan, make sure to send your info to so we can send you that prize pack!

Up Next, Age This Buck

This month’s Age This Buck entry is a Kentucky buck in summer velvet. The photo was captured prior to the kickoff of the early September archery season in the Bluegrass State. Here’s a look at the buck…

How old is this Kentucky buck?

What do you think? How old is this Kentucky buck? Comment below with your best guess for a chance to win some cool BHOD gear and swag. The winner will be announced with the following Age This Buck entry next month.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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