5 Reasons Daytime Bowfishing is Better Than Night

By Brodie SwisherJuly 5, 20191 Comment

Beginner bowfishermen often ask, “What’s better, daytime or nighttime bowfishing?” That can obviously depend on a number of variables, including time of year. Both have their pros and cons, and both times can produce some very exciting bowfishing action. The bulk of the bowfishing tends to take place at night under the lights, but when the conditions are right, a daytime bowfishing trip can’t be beat. Here’s a look at 5 reasons daytime bowfishing is better than night.


They both have their pros and cons, but when the conditions are right, daytime bowfishing can be hard to beat.

No Need For Lights/Generator

Obviously, if you’re fishing during the day, you don’t need lights or a generator. Yes, fishing over lights at night can be very productive. But you’re also limited to the lights for your zone of visibility. Lights also attract the bugs during the summer months. There’s been times when the bugs swarming our lights were so thick I had to wear a mask to keep them out of my nose, ears and mouth. Lights require power, so you’ll either be charging batteries or refueling a generator to keep things lit up. Daytime bowfishing frees you up from the hassle and noise of lights and a generator.

Less Competition During the Day

Most folks make their move on fish during the night shift. It’s not uncommon to see lights in all directions across the lake as other bowfishermen attempt to find the hot spot. It can be frustrating to say the least. Particularly when you’ve made a long drive to position yourself in just the right spot. I’ve found far less competition when bowfishing during the day. In fact, 9 times out of 10, I’ll have the place to myself.

Daytime bowfishing often means you’ll have the water all to yourself.

It’s Spot-n-Stalk Bowfishing

To me, daytime bowfishing always feels more like a hunt. It’s spot-n-stalk bowfishing at its best. You see a fish bumping brush or slipping through the shallows, and you make your move. It’s the classic cat and mouse game that makes daytime bowfishing so much fun. Fish are really no different than deer or any other critter you may try and put the sneak on. You’re gambling to see how close you can get without getting busted. Push in too tight, and the water will explode with big fish blowing out for deeper water. It’s a really fun and exciting way to shoot fish.

You Don’t Need a Boat

No boat? No problem. The day shoot allows you to wade around in the shallows without the need for a boat. And even if you’ve got a boat, there will be times when the best action can come when you ditch the boat and wade around in the shallows. Wading around in hip-boots or old tennis shoes is how I started bowfishing years ago, and it’s still my favorite way to play the game today.

Sometimes you need to bail out of the boat and wade the shallows for better bowfishing action.

You Can Sleep at Night

Countless marriages have suffered because guys have traded their time at home with their spouse for all-night bowfishing trips. Let’s be honest. It can be tough on the family. Late night bowfishing trips can also make for a tough day at the office the following morning. The beauty of daytime bowfishing is that it allows you to be home sleeping when it’s time to sleep.

5 Reasons Daytime Bowfishing is Better Than Night – Conclusion

Don’t get me wrong. I love to shoot fish at night. But when the opportunity presents itself, I’ll trade a night shoot for a day shoot every chance I get.

If you’re new to bowfishing, be sure to check out the articles in our Bowfishing section of the Bowhunt 101 page here at Bowhunting.com. You can also check out www.muzzybowfishing.com for tons of great bowfishing gear to get you started.

We want to hear from you. Do you like daytime or nighttime best for bowfishing? Comment below, and let us know.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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