Brewster Buck Dethrones Beatty Buck: How Did Beatty Respond?

By Bow StaffJanuary 25, 20192 Comments

News and rumors of a potential world record whitetail buck tend to spread like wildfire these days, so it was surprising, to say the least, when news of a buck killed by Luke Brewster of Virginia finally broke and began to make the rounds. Brewster killed the buck in Edgar County, Illinois on November 2, 2018 and it was quickly rumored that it would shatter the world record of any hunter-killed whitetail buck.

After weeks of anticipation and speculation regarding the buck, the official 60-day entry score for Brewster’s non-typical bow-killed buck was recently announced in the OSG booth at the ATA show in Louisville, KY.


The Brewster Buck

With an official score of 320-5/8, the Brewster buck becomes the all-time world record as both the top non-typical bow kill and top hunter-harevested whitetail of all time.

Is the Brewster Buck the biggest?

Actually, the world record and No. 2 all-time non-typical whitetail deer recognized by B&C were not hunter-harvested deer. They were picked-up trophies scoring in at 333-7/8 and 328-2/8. These deer were found in Missouri and Ohio.

Up to this point, the bucks that held the hunter-harvested record were the Tucker Buck, killed by Stephen Tucker just two years ago with a score of 312, and the P&Y record buck, killed by Mike Beatty in Ohio 18 years ago, with a score of 304 6/8.

So how did Micheal Beatty respond to his record being broken?

Beatty showed he’s a class act by making the following statement when news broke of his bow-kill record being broken…

Yesterday’s announcement of “The Brewster Buck”, a 320 ⅝ inch pending World Record was a great day for hunters everywhere.. Word in the woods is that Luke is a very deserving hunter. I look forward to the day I can meet Luke and shake his hand, not only for his recent Whitetail accomplishment but for his service to our country. I jokingly told both my kids who are serving, that it would be a little easier to grasp if the prior Marine hunter was prior Air Force, lol.. Yesterday was a day we celebrate news of “The Brewster Buck”. Everyday should be a celebration to all sportsman & conservationists across this great nation. From the Dale Austin Buck to the Brewster Buck we’ve all come a long way, planting, planning, educating ourselves to better manage the quality of our deer & wildlife in general in many ways. I’ve learned so much from everyone I’ve encountered along my journey. My hope is that Luke’s journey is just as fulling as mine has been. Thanks to Luke for sharing this magnificent animal with all of us and congratulations sir.

Michael Beatty with the Green County, Ohio buck he killed in 2000.

Hats off to Michael Beatty on his display of true sportsmanship, an example more hunters should follow. And obviously a big congrats to Luke Brewster on the largest buck ever killed by a hunter. How long will this new record stand? Comment below and let us know your thoughts on this incredible buck taken by Brewster and your best guess for how long the new record will last.


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