Bowhunting Iowa Bucks: Killing #1

By Bow StaffOctober 23, 20181 Comment
Our friend and BHOD Field Staffer, Lindsey Zastrow, checked in with the recent success story of her #1 buck while bowhunting Iowa recently. Here’s what Lindsey had to say about the hunt…
I was able to accomplish my goal of harvesting my #1 buck on my property in Iowa. This season has been a whirlwind and I changed up so many things in the off-season that I feel enabled me to successfully harvest this monarch. Everything changed this time, from stand locations, scent control efforts, scouting and more.
Velvet July

Here’s a look at the buck Lindsey was after back in July.

The night of Saturday, October 6th was my third sit of the year. The temperature was dropping and the pressure seemed like it would be great for movement. I got settled in my blind around 5:15 and within 30 minutes had a fawn travel through and mill about a bit. Shortly after she left, a small buck I named, Antelope, cruised through nibbling on rye grass. Another doe then came through and I started to get that gut feeling that something special was going to happen. I heard movement coming from the south and had no doubt it was the buck I had my eye on.
The wind was perfect. I began to shake with anticipation. I ensured my bow was all ready to go and started to talk myself through the shot process. I waited…waited…and waited some more. Then, all of a sudden the noise and movement stopped. My heart sank a bit, but I stayed positive and analyzed the situation. I thought through all my scenarios and put my money on him circling around and that he would soon be coming from the north towards me. After about 10 minutes a smaller buck and doe came through, all the while looking behind them. I knew my buck had to be close behind.  Sure enough, I caught a glimpse of the tip of his tines through the very edge of the ground blind window. “Please keep walking, please keep walking,” is all I remember saying to myself. I was in awe when I saw him. The beautiful 13 point buck I had spent all summer trying to learn every move of was now in front of me at 14 yards. I drew back my Mathews Halon without him taking so much as a look in my direction. I set my 20 yard pin on him, took a breath, and let the arrow fly.  It was an absolutely perfect double-lung pass through!

Here’s a look at the ground blind where the hunt took place.

I listened as he ran and judged him to have crashed about 35 yards away. I waited about 25 minutes to go and check my arrow. Once I saw the blood on it, I knew I was good to start my search for where he ended up. I walked into the trees following the blood and stumbled upon him under a patch of fallen branches within minutes. I could not believe it! Everything came together and I was brought to my knees in appreciation of such a beautiful animal. Tears filled my eyes and trembles took over my body. I was in shock. I said my thanks to the Good Lord and also took my time to show my respect for this magnificent creature.

Lindsey with her #1 buck while bowhunting Iowa.

Then reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I was going to have to get him field dressed and transported all the way to the other side of my property through a field that was flooded with two feet of standing water. Although I like to think I can do anything I put my mind to, I knew it was not going to be physically possible for me to wrestle with this tank of a deer.  Fortunately my grandpa, uncle and neighbor were all willing and able to help me with getting the buck out.

Grandpa came to help Lindsey get her buck out of the woods, making memories for life.

It was such an incredible experience to walk up on the deer with my grandpa. This is the first deer of mine he has been able to be a part of, and it truly brought tears to my eyes. We snapped a few pictures and got the field dressing underway. It was incredible to share those moments with him and listen to the wisdom he has acquired over 50+ years of hunting. These are the moments that make years of eating tag soup worth it. I will forever cherish that night and the memories made.

A big congrats to Lindsey on a beautiful Iowa buck! Keep it up – Bowhunt or Die!

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