Chasing Velvet Blog Series – Week 2

By Brodie SwisherAugust 6, 2018

August is finally here and we’re looking forward to seeing how our bucks fill out in the weeks ahead as we lead up to opening day. We’re down to those days where we’re either really excited about what we’re seeing or going into panic mode over whether or not a particular buck is even alive or anywhere close. The challenge of chasing velvet bucks is that everything has to go just right. There’s not much time for missed opportunities. The Tennessee velvet buck hunt will give hunters just three days to make it happen in August. After that, bowhunters will have to wait for the regular archery opener kicking off in late September, a time when bucks are normally hard-horned.

To the north, Kentucky bowhunters typically crank up their archery season the first week of September. If that hunt falls around the 1st or 2nd of September, there’s a pretty good chance for a velvet buck encounter. However, when the opener falls later into the first week of September, many bucks will have already come out of velvet. It’s amazing what a 24-48 hour window of time will do at this time of year in the lives of these bucks.

chasing-velvet-bucks - raines-buck-single

The bucks are filling out nicely as we head towards the final weeks before the opportunity for chasing velvet bucks arrives.

This week we’re catching up with Shaine and Katie Raines from Soddy Daisy, TN. The couple spends countless hours each season in pursuit of deer and turkey, and they spend their fair share of time on the water bowfishing to help get them through the summer months.

Shaine and Katie Raines from Soddy Daisy, TN.

Shaine and Katie are excited about the opportunity for chasing velvet bucks this season in Tennessee and Kentucky. Here’s what they had to say…

“We are super excited about the velvet buck hunt this fall in Tennessee! The opportunity to kill a velvet deer is why we originally chose to get a lease out of state in Kentucky. Katie and I both come from hunting families that have given us the opportunity to hunt and fish since we were 4 or 5 years old. This will be our 8th season hunting together. We love the hunt, but also really enjoy the work that leads up to that final moment as well. We’re always keeping trail cameras out, planting food plots, and all the other chores that go with prep for opening day. It’s been a great way for us to keep an eye on things and know what we’ve got to work with when the season rolls around. This year will be our first opportunity to hunt velvet bucks in our home state of Tennessee. We can’t wait to get our hands on those velvet antlers!”

Here’s one of the bucks that Shaine and Katie are keeping an eye on this summer.

We look forward to seeing what Shaine and Katie get into in the weeks ahead on their properties in Tennessee and Kentucky. As for me here in west Tennessee, I’ve had a few young bucks visiting the salt lick the last couple weeks behind the house. The big boys have yet to make an appearance, which isn’t abnormal for the little 50 acre chunk right here at home during the summer months. We’ll see what shakes out the next few weeks on some of the other properties we’re hunting.


Be sure to check in often as we bring you more updates from across the state as we prepare for chasing velvet bucks in Tennessee and Kentucky in the weeks ahead. And be sure to comment below and let us know about your velvet buck encounters this summer. We’d love to hear your story.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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