Tennessee Velvet Buck Hunt Scheduled for August

By Brodie SwisherMay 22, 201832 Comments

Many bowhunters in the Volunteer State are celebrating a soon-coming opportunity to shoot a Tennessee velvet buck when deer season kicks off in the late summer of 2018. In the past, Tennessee bowhunters have had a to patiently wait on the arrival of archery deer to open the 3rd weekend in September. It’s particularly difficult when our neighbors to the north, Kentucky bowhunters, typically start bowhunting the first week of September and are afforded a crack at a velvet buck when the opener falls just right. Now, however, Tennessee bowhunters will have the chance to kill a buck fore themselves during a special 3-day Tennessee velvet buck hunt that has been schedule for August.

Tennessee velvet buck hunt

Tennessee bowhunters will be paying closer attention to the velvet bucks this summer.

Reports from the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission say that changes for the 2018 hunting season include the addition of a three-day, archery only antlered deer hunt August 24-26. The commission had been requested to consider the season so that hunters can have the opportunity to kill a buck while it is still in velvet.

This is an additional hunting opportunity beyond the regularly scheduled archery deer season that will continue as normal. Reports say that this is not a bonus buck opportunity. Any buck killd during the Tennessee Velvet Buck Hunt will count toward the annual two-buck limit.

One things for sure, this will be a smoker of a sit in the treestand. August is typically one of the hottest months of the year in Tennessee. But, with the chance of killing their first velvet buck this season, you can bet that there will be plenty of bowhunters climbing into the tree in August when the first Tennessee velvet buck hunt kicks things off this season.

We want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on bowhunting deer in August? Would you do it?

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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