Bowhunting Turkeys in Wisconsin With Herrmann

By Bow StaffApril 30, 2018

John Herrmann hit the woods last week in one of his normal spots in Eau Claire County for bowhunting turkeys in Wisconsin. The birds on this farm are typically roosted really close, so John went in super early to make his move before the birds woke up.

“I had raked a trail all the way down to the blind, so I could go in silent, even in the dark with no light,” says Herrmann. “Getting in went smooth. I got the HS Strut decoys (Jake laying on hen) set up and waited for the birds to wake up and start gobbling. The first bird gobbled at 5:15, about 15-20 yards behind me. Then another bird gobbled right with him. There were two Toms, really close!”

“More birds started gobbling up the ridge from me about 100 yards away. It certainly seemed like I was in the right spot. When flydown came, the two Toms dropped down about 20 yards behind the decoys and came in within 5 minutes. They worked the decoys for several minutes before I decided it was time to make my shot. I hit the bird low on a frontal shot. He slid out to about 60 yards and stopped. I watched him for hours before deciding that he wasn’t dying and proceeded to make a move on him with bow in hand.”

“The bird spotted me coming and took off. The chase was on! I ended up getting another arrow in him to finish the job off after a hundred yard chase. It was another exciting John Herrmann hunting adventure!”

A big congrats to John on his gobbler while bowhunting turkeys in Wisconsin!

bowhunting turkeys in Wisconsin - Herrmann-Turkey

John with his Wisconsin gobbler.

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