Bowhunting Kansas Turkeys: Success On Day 1

By Bow StaffApril 9, 2018

After receiving a little intel from a friend, Justin Zarr and Dustin Decroo made a quick trip out for bowhunting Kansas turkeys to kick off the 2018 spring season when it cranked up this morning. With only a day and a half to hunt, the mission was simple. Kill any legal birds that ventured within bow range of their Mantis ground blind.


NAP-time for this Kansas turkey.

After the long haul from Illinois to Kansas, the guys roosted birds at last light, giving them a game plan on where to be on Day 1. After dark, the guys went in and set up the blind and gear so they’d be ready to go without making any noise on the morning hunt. After getting everything set up, they headed to town to try and find somewhere to buy a hunting license. After making several stops, and driving much further than they had planned, the guys finally secured hunting licenses at a Walmart at 10:30 last night. With tags in their pocket, they headed back to get some rest before an early start this morning.

As the day began to break, the roost trees erupted with gobbling turkeys. The guys felt like they were in just the right spot to watch it all go down, however, after 20+ birds flew down, it was obvious the flock had another destination in mind. Despite their best calling efforts, the birds went the other way.

“We figured it was over for the morning,” said Zarr. “Then 3 jakes appeared 8 yards behind the blind. They never made a sound. They just marched right up to our HS Strut Decoys.” Justin picked out the biggest of the punk jakes and let an arrow fly, killing the first bird of the trip on the first morning hunt.

Justin Zarr with the first bird of his Kansas roadtrip.

The guys relocated the blind for an afternoon set with plans to get Dustin on a bird. Justin ran to town for another tag as well, so we’ll see what happens as they continue to hunt turkeys in the Sunflower State.

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