How To Change Your Bowstring Serving

By Bow StaffAugust 15, 2017
The center serving is a critical component of your bow string that every archer should check regularly for signs of damage. It’s a section of coiled thread that is wrapped around the center of your string, covering the area where your D-Loop, nocking point and – if you use one – kisser button would be located.

There’s also serving covering every part of the string that goes through roller guards, cams and string harnesses. Some strings also have serving covering the loop ends that attach to the cams.
The center serving is designed to protect the actual bowstring material from the wear and tear of nocking arrows and drawing and releasing the string. So it’s only natural that you might eventually find some damage to this section of serving. Luckily, it’s easy to fix.

All you need to fix center serving are a serving jig, serving thread, a razor blade and a lighter. Serving thread comes in different thicknesses, colors and materials depending on your application.  A common serving size is .021 inches, but you might need to try different thicknesses to get the proper nock fit on your bow string.

changing bow string serving

Knowing how to change your center serving is a must for DIY bow technicians.

Watch Ross Patterson, one of Lancaster Archery Supply’s master string builders, walk through the steps to replacing the center serving on a bow string. You can easily replicate this repair on your own at home by following his directions.

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