Spitfire MAXX D6 Broadhead Review

By Bow StaffDecember 19, 20122 Comments

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

Broadhead review submitted by Bowhunting.com reader Ben Setchell.

Before the 2012 hunting season Justin Zarr gave me a package of Spitfire MAXX D6 broadheads to test and review. My initial thought was that the head would be awesome because NAP is a solid company and they produce very sharp blades on all of their broadheads. For the record, my setup consisted of a Prime Shift set at 62lbs, 29″ DL and a 400 grain Easton injection 400A arrow. Here is my review!

The devistating results of the NAP Spitfire Maxx D6 are evident in this photo.

Spitfire MAXX
I decided to shoot one of the heads into my block target to see what the flight characteristics were going to be like. I first shot a field point at 30 yards which hit dead center. Then, I shot the Spitfire MAXX and the head hit exactly the same hole as the field point! Amazing flight. In fact, all 3 shots at 30 yards were within 1″ of the first BH hole!

Congrats to Ben on a fine bow kill from all of us at Bowhunting.com!

Finally, the season began and I was very excited to use the Spitfire MAXX. Well, I got my chance at a buck, not a monster, but I’m really proud of him. The shot was from 28 feet up the tree and the deer was quartering to me at 15 yards. I took aim and let the arrow fly; hitting the buck right behind the shoulder. I tracked him for about 80 yards on the “red carpet” and had no problem what so ever finding him. The arrow hit the front lung, back of the opposite side lung, and the liver. The broadhead basically obliterated him (see pics of the carnage). Also, the head was completely fine; nothing was broken even after it was buried 8″ deep into the ground! Love this broadhead.

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