Bo Knows Bowhunting

By Bow StaffDecember 12, 20123 Comments

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

If you are old enough to remember who Bo Jackson is then you understand what a special athlete he was. If not, you owe it to yourself to learn more about him. Bo was a professional player in the NFL as well as the MLB. While in high school he was recruited by the New York Yankees. Instead of following that path he chose to attend Auburn University. There, he led his football team to a Sugar Bowl victory. He also qualified for the U.S. Olympic track and field team. In 1986 he joined the MLB and later joined the NFL; playing for the L.A. Raiders in 1991. His football career lasted four years before ending due to a hip injury. Jackson became a predominant figure in the 1980s and 90s with his widespread “Bo Knows” Nike campaign. Since then, he has made several television appearances and has formed his own Bo Jackson Elite Sports Complex.

In addition to all of this, apparently Bow Knows Bowhunting. In the latest episode of ESPN’s 30 for 30 television series, Bo is shown hanging out in his “man cave” which consists of a fully decked out archery room. He says that the mounted heads of animals taken with his bow are his “trophies” now. According to sources, he is an excellent shot and has even been known to shoot a bow using nothing but his feet! Is there anything this guy can’t do?

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