Opening Day Doe! Slick Trick Broadhead Success

By Hunting NetworkOctober 9, 20095 Comments

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

I am not known as a "nanny whacker", in fact most years I do not hunt does at all.  I have always reserved doe hunting for after I have filled my buck tag.  This year was a little different as I planned on taking a doe early as long as it was while hunting a low impact setup and would not interfere with future hunts. 

On that rainy evening, I setup on a finger that shot out off a 30 or so acre wood lot that protruded out to a bean field.  I first saw two young bucks walking a tree line a couple hundred yards away. Then I saw two does and a button buck rise up from their beds that were in an area of tall weeds within the field that was not planted.  They browsed my way on the beans after they stood up. I am assuming were working their way toward the oaks within the timber I was hunting.

 I took around a 20 yard shot with my BowTech Allegiance shooting Slick Trick GrizzTrick broadheads.  I successfully recovered her in the bean field a short time later, the broadhead left a devastating wound channel. 

I was very impressed with the GrizzTricks performance, I have used the Slick Trick magnums for years and so far I like these heads better!

If you're in the market for a broadhead that's sharp, flies great, and is super tough I strongly recommend checking out these Slick Trick heads.  You can purchase them right here at by clicking this link.

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