Last Minute Bowhunting Preparations – 3 Days Left!

By Justin ZarrSeptember 27, 20096 Comments

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

Every year it seems like I'm always rushing at the last minute to make my final preparations before the season starts.  The past two weeks I've spent a considerable amount of time after work trimming some of my sets out, hanging a few new sets, making a few more mock scrapes, and setting out some trail cameras.  Unfortunately I don't have any big buck pictures to show for it, but the only ones I'm concerned about are the ones where I'm sitting behind the buck anyways.

With all the stands hung and trimmed that I'm going to have before the season starts I'm really focused on making sure my bow and arrow setup is performing flawlessly.  I'm shooting the new NAP BloodRunner broadhead this fall and I've been shooting them exclusively for the past several weeks now.  These heads are built incredibly well, the blades are scary sharp, and I'm itching to find something to shoot with one of them!

The NAP BloodRunner – now in black!  I can't wait to shoot something with one of these!  If you'd like to buy some for yourself, you can click this link here.

Fortunately for me, my new house has a backyard that's plenty big enough for flinging a few arrows after work which has been really nice.  I told my wife before we bought a new place that all I wanted was a backyard to shoot my bow in, and a basement that I can turn into a man cave.  After all, what more does a guy really need in life?  Besides a few hundred acres of course….

The view from my deck.  Too bad it's not a real deer!

My targets of choice are the Rinehart 18-1 and the Rinehart Broadhead buck.  I've been singing the praises of the 18-1 for years now.  This target is small, economical, has 18 sides to shoot at, and after 3 years of abuse you can barely tell.  That includes shooting both broadheads and target points into it.

My first two shots with the NAP BloodRunner after screwing them on.  Not too bad if I do say so myself.

The Broadhead Buck is made from the same self-healing foam as the 18-1 and holds up just as well.  The cool thing about this target is that one side features outlines of the deer's anatomy (shoulder blade, heart, lungs, liver, etc.) and the other side literally shows the anatomy.  This is great for bowhunters who want to make sure that the deer's anatomy is engrained in their minds for when the moment of truth arrives.  I usually shoot at the outlined side myself, but do turn it around from time to time.  This target is made specifically for backyard archers like myself, and does the job wonderfully.

The backside of the Rinehart Broadhead Buck 3-D target.  If you'd like to purchase one of these targets for yourself, we have them here at  Check them out at this link here.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the way I'm shooting right now and my current stand setups close to home.  Mike and I are planning a trip to one of our leases for opening weekend, hoping to capitalize on a nice buck before they realize we're after them.  Now I just have to finish getting the rest of my gear ready!  Clothes to wash, stands and sticks to pack, gotta find my grunt call, binos, gear hooks, safety harness, boots, etc etc.  Ahh!!

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Justin has been bowhunting for more than 30 years and co-hosting the popular bowhunting show Bowhunt or Die since 2010.  He lives in the NW suburbs of Chicago with his wife, 3 children, and semi-smelly dog.
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