$285,000 For Whitetail Semen? The Legend of El Chingon.

By Hunting NetworkDecember 31, 200810 Comments

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

His name is "El Chingon", and his legend is growing. An incredible whitetail buck who was photographed in velvet with a reported $285,000 price on his "head". In fact, "El Chingon" is a breeding stock whitetail from the Hidden Valley Ranch just South Hondo, Texas. You didn't read that wrong, a $285,000 price for a straw of this buck's semen!

Before you go take out a second mortgage however, a minor correction should be noted on the life of this amazing whitetail buck. One, we are sure, will not get quite the press and continued mass emailing response as the always exciting "El Chingon" tale.

While it is true that the now famous whitetail is from the Lone Star state the buck is actually wild and cannot, under law, be bred unless under the authority of a qualified biologist. That's correct, this whitetail buck is wild! At least as wild is it can be on a 2,500 acre high-fenced brush country ranch about an hour from San Antonio, Texas.

The ranch does offer breeder whitetails and hunting accommodations at a premium and is reportedly managed (to some degree) by North American Whitetail's, Dr. James C. Kroll. So while $285,000 for a straw of this giant buck's semen is completely absurd, you can hunt for a whitetail buck of this magnitude for about $10,000 (plus $100 per inch over 180 of course)!

Feel free to thank the Bowhunting.com staff as we just saved you $275,000! Gifts of all kinds are readily accepted.

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