Bowhunting Pine Ridge Archery Style

By Hunting NetworkNovember 12, 20081 Comment

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

I recently had the opportunity to spend 6 days with Jim Broberg, owner of Pine Ridge Archery, and several of his family members and friends at their home in Jo Daviess County, IL. All I can say is WOW, what a great time! Jim's wife prepared a outstanding meals for everyone after some long days on stand and I can't thank her enough for the hospitality. Marie is totally organized and the meals were fantastic – nobody went hungry, that's for sure.

The first three days of hunting were tough as the warm weather set in during the beginning of the rut. I decided after not seeing much activity those first few days that I would head home for awhile and wait until some colder weather to move in before heading back out.  Sure enough, after going home for 3 days colder weather finally moved in and I was back and ready for action.

Our bows and arrows were ready to perform, but were we??

Here is some of the great food prepared by Marie, we were fed very well!!

Ron and his son David Bakken talking deer hunting. David just got back from the Campbell Outdoor Challenge where Team Pine Ridge took 2nd place with the largest archery harvest ever filmed in the history of the event.  Watch for them on Versus starting in January 2009, you won't want to miss this! 

Brian Bychowski and Arnie getting back from a hunt talking about what was seen and already working on a plan where to hunt the next morning.

Jim and his daughter Kristen. Guys let me tell you –  this girl can hunt! I have to say I had a blast with her & Scott tracking the buck that I shot on the last night out. (I am saving that story for a few days – I will post soon)

I had to save the best for last – here is a photo of Scott's new outfit that he plans of wearing to pick up chicks! 🙂 – Of course I am kidding.

Over the course of the week we managed to harvest two does and 1 buck despite the adverse weather conditions. We had many sightings of good bucks and some really close encoutners but just couldn't quite pull it together. All of us had a great time.  The rut is still in full swing here in Illinois so if you can get out in the woods now is the time! 

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