Scent Elimination for Bowhunters

By Hunting NetworkSeptember 25, 2008

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

Bowhunting for big game animals presents a big challenge. Getting within twenty or thirty yards of an animal can be difficult. Once you get that close, the last thing you want to do  is have the buck of a lifetime catch a whiff of human odor and spook before you get a chance to take a shot which is why being scent free is a must if you want to increase your chances of success when bowhunting.

IT ALL STARTS WITH A SHOWERDead Down Wind Body & Hair Soap both eliminates and prevents human odors.

Many hunters fail to make sure their skin and hair are odor-free before they leave for the woods. Taking a quick shower will make the most significant difference in the amount of odor you carry into the woods.  If possible, make sure to shower with scent eliminating soap before every hunt.  If you’re confused about which product to use, several members of the staff recommend Dead Down Wind Body & Hair wash.  It can be purchased in our online store for just $5.99 per bottle and does a great job at not just eliminating human odor, put preventing it as well.

In order to be as effective as possible make sure that you use scent-free soaps and shampoos throughout the course of your hunting season.  Only using these products before you go hunting will lessen their effectiveness as the perfumes from standard soaps and shampoos will linger in your skin and on your hair for several weeks at a time.  Best practice for the ultimate scent elimination is to begin using these products several weeks before you plan on hunting in order to be as scent free as possible. 

If you find yourself in a sitation where you cannot shower before your hunt try using one of the several brands of field wipes to wash yourself down with.  Focus on scent prone areas under your arms as well as your neck, face, and hands.  It may not be as good as showering, but it’s better than nothing!

Also, in order to make your scent control routine more effective make sure to use a scent-free deodorant as well.  There are several diffent types of deodorants on the market including brands from Dead Down Wind and Deer-Odorant from Hunting Science with both work very well.

Read more about Scent Elimination for Bowhunters.

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