Hard At Work – The Final Push

By Justin ZarrSeptember 12, 2008

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

We're getting down to the end of the initial Bowhunting.com site development, and let me tell you it's been a LOT of work!  When Todd and I set out on this goal nearly 10 months ago I think I underestimated the time, energy, and effort that we would have to put in.  And not just him and I, but our entire web development team here at the Rhino Group has been working their tails off to make this site as solid as possible before we launch.  As we roll down to the final days before completion, I'm definitely ready to get it up live and worry about the bugs and improvements later!

I've spent a few nights at home putting together some video clips for the site (much to the dismay of my soon-to-be wife), spent some much-needed time at Todd's house shooting bows and filming a new video intro for the home page (Check it out if you haven't already and let me know what you think!), and we've spent hours upon hours resizing photos, uploading products, and figuring out exactly what we were going to stock and sell in the shopping cart.  When I thought about putting over 100 bowhunting products into the cart it didn't seem like much.  40 hours later when my eyes were about to fall out of my skull from staring at my monitors too long I was ready to call it quits!

In any case, I truly hope that everyone enjoys the new website and hope to hear from you all with suggestions for improvement (and any bugs you may find as you surf the pages).  Feel free to e-mail me directly at justin@bowhunting.com and I'll see what we can do!

Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to get back to work and get this thing finished!

If I look tired and unshaven in this photo, it's because I am!  Too much time spent in front of a computer monitor will do that to a man.  I need to get back in a treestand soon!

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General Manager at Bowhunting.com
Justin has been bowhunting for more than 30 years and co-hosting the popular bowhunting show Bowhunt or Die since 2010.  He lives in the NW suburbs of Chicago with his wife, 3 children, and semi-smelly dog.
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