Pre-Season Check-up: Food Sources

By Hunting NetworkSeptember 7, 20081 Comment

LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015

The clock has been ticking time away, summer is now all but gone. I look at the calender to find myself three Saturdays shy of opening day.  This time of year is always hectic. Finishing up chores at home, checking game cameras, getting our gear tuned up and loose ends taken care of for autumns duties.

Today I spent a few hours checking on the local agriculture, as well as the hard and soft mast crops.




Most of the beans in the area are still green. A few fields are starting to show the signs of the impending harvest season by turning yellow.  I anticipate the deer moving out of the beans in the next couple weeks.



The corn kernels have dried out and the stocks and leaves are now turning yellow like the beans.  As you can see the animals are feasting on an outstanding growing seasons bounty.  The corn harvest will be some of the best in years.



Disappointed, I was not able to locate any areas with a high concentration of white oaks bearing mast.  The acorns were hit or miss.  All that I was able to locate were still green with very few of them on the ground.   This could very well be a blessing with the acorns still green.  With any luck they will wait to drop on or after our opener on September 27th.



The apple output this year is phenomenal, the wildlife are scarfing up the cast apples as fast as they fall.  I only wish I had an apple grove to set up on this fall. I am sure they will be a hot food source around opening day where they are available.

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