The Colonel & The Fox

By Brodie SwisherApril 4, 2024

Last night, the crew at Mossy Oak released their first ever feature length documentary, The Colonel & The Fox. One of the most special projects in Mossy Oak’s history, this film chronicles the story of turkey hunting history and the revival of the wild turkey told through the lives of two woodsmen who have become icons of turkey hunting, conservation, and cherished outdoor family traditions. 

The Colonel & The Fox

My family and I watched the film after we got home from church last night. Hunting videos are a normal routine around our house for a few of us boys. But rarely will our hunting flix hold the attention of everybody – especially momma. She typically retreats to another room to read a book or tackle chores. 

This film, however, quickly grabbed the focus of everyone in the house, hunter and non-hunter alike. Even momma. That’s a big deal. Especially when you consider the film is an hour and twenty minutes long. 

The film delivered more than just motivation. It inspired me to be a better hunter, conservationist, father and husband. It inspired me to be a better man. 

When you have time, you really need to check out the film below.

The Turkey Conservation Story

In the 1940s, wild turkeys and the proud traditions of those who hunt them were on the brink of extinction. In what would become known as America’s greatest conservation success story, the Greatest Generation returned home from war and decided to do something about it. 

This film celebrates the life and legacy of these men and the rest of turkey hunting’s greatest generation. When the last of them are gone, it’s up to us as gamekeepers, turkey hunters, and stewards of hunting culture to not only carry on their legacy, but pass these traditions along. 

Mossy Oak says they’re grateful to everyone who shares in this story and takes the time to watch the film. Their hope is that you’re inspired to spend more time in the woods and to love the land and wildlife that call it home, and to leave it all better than you found it.

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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