New Year’s Resolutions for Bowhunters

By Brodie SwisherJanuary 2, 2022

LAST UPDATED: June 30th, 2022

A new year ushers in new opportunities for the bowhunter. It’s an exciting time of the year as we put the wraps on one season and look ahead to the next. 

The question is, what will you do different this year to ensure success when the season arrives? 

With all the resolutions made at the beginning of a new year, now is the perfect time for some new resolutions as a bowhunter. Here’s a look at 5 to consider putting at the top of your list. 

New Year's Resolutions For Bowhunters
What resolutions will you make this year to better your odds for success this fall?

Shoot Your Bow More in the New Year

Regardless of how much you shoot your bow in the off-season, there’s likely room for more. Commit to shoot your bow more often this year. Maybe it’s more reps. Maybe it’s more variety. Extend your range. Work on your shot angles. Whatever it takes, commit to bigger and better practice as you prepare for your upcoming hunts this season. 

Find a New Spot to Hunt

The off-season is a great time to focus on finding a new spot to hunt for the fall season. Planning ahead allows you time to build relationships with landowners, put the work in, and earn your opportunity. 

Mapping apps on your phone allow you to identify new ground, size it up, and nail down who owns the property. Now is a great time to add new hunting land to your list of opportunities. 

Use the HuntStand app on your smartphone to find new ground to hunt this year.

Go on an Out-of-State Hunt

You’ve probably talked about hunting out of state for years. Why not make it happen this year? Regardless of whether it’s a neighboring state, or traveling across the country, start early on making plans for your road trip this fall. Some states have application deadlines early in the year for securing a license. Don’t procrastinate here! Get the work done on the front end so you can rest easy as the hunt draws close. 

Scout More Often

Want to up your odds for success this season? Commit to scouting as much, or more, than you actually hunt. Scouting is the key to success. However, it’s one of the most overlooked aspects of the hunt. There’s more to scouting than throwing a trail cam on a tree. A solid scouting routine just might be the greatest move you can make to beef up your game this season. 

Commit to scouting as much as you hunt and you'll likely punch more tags this year.

Take a Kid Hunting

We say it all the time, but rarely do we act on sharing our love for hunting and the outdoors to an up-and-comer. No matter where you live, there is likely a child somewhere close by that would love the opportunity to give hunting a try this year. Many of us have our own kids to haul to the woods, but we also need to make time for the child that has never had the chance to go. You’ll be changing a life and helping continue the rich tradition of hunting and the outdoors. 

Best of luck to you in the new year! We hope it’s your best yet in the whitetail woods.  

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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