How to Kill a Bull Elk with Jason Phelps

By Brodie SwisherAugust 12, 2021

Elk season is right around the corner, and we’re checking in with Jason Phelps of Phelps Game Calls for a look at their new Metal EZ Bugler bugle call as well as his top tips for killing a bull elk this season. 

Check out what he has to say, as well as how the call sounds, in the video below.

Don't Hunt Elk That Aren't There

As the song says, “You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em – know when to walk away, and know when to run.” 

The same can be said for elk hunting. You’ve got to know when it’s time to pick up and move on. 

How To Kill A Bull Elk With Jason Phelps
Are you ready for elk season? Do you know how to make it happen this season?

Do you know how to read elk sign? Phelps says that a lot of guys get fired up when they find a bunch of elk sign. However, all the elk sign in the world won’t help you if the sign is a month old. 

Don’t waste your time hunting where the elk are no longer hanging out. Find the freshest sign. Know what day-old elk poop looks like compared to week-old elk poop. One tells you there are animals in the area. The other indicates that you missed them, and it’s time to move on.


Confidence in your ability to make things happen goes a long way. Some guys are just scared to push in tight on elk. They are literally scared of a close encounter with a bull. 

Why are they scared? 

“They lack the confidence that they can make it happen,” says Phelps. Success requires digging deep, finding your stone cold killer instinct, and making things happen. 

Do you have confidence in your calling? Practice until you know you can make quality elk sounds under pressure. Confidence in your elk killing abilities is a huge tool in the bag for success. 

Do you have the confidence to make the shot happen when a bull comes in close?

Putting in the Time

Consistently finding and killing elk takes time. Rarely will you make a one-day hunt that ends with a punched tag. Serious elk hunters plan to go in for the long haul. They  know it often takes 10 days to 2 weeks to find and kill a bull. Are you willing to take the time off from work, school, or other obligations? 

Being committed to an investment of time each season to your elk journey is a must. When you are pulled away with other obligations, the chances for success goes way down. 

The Latest Elk Bugle From Phelps

If you’re looking for a new elk bugle tube this season, be sure to check out the latest from Phelps Game Calls in their new Metal EZ Bugler elk bugle. The call is designed as a one-piece aluminum bugle tube that delivers the perfect blend of compact design and the ability to project loud, crisp calls. The aluminum construction provides more sound than plastic and is engineered to meet the frequency of bull elk. 

The plastic Phelps Renegade Bugle Tube (top) over the new Phelps Metal Bugle tube.

The bugle has been sandblasted, anodized black, and wrapped in a closed-cell neoprene sleeve to eliminate glare and unwanted noise.

The EZ Bugler external mouthpiece utilizes the Phelps AMP frame and offers anyone the option to work and produce realistic chuckles and grunts, no matter their calling level. The call weighs in at 13 ounces and is 17″ long. The call sells for $62.99. Check it out at

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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