Best HuntStand Features for Turkey Hunting

By Brodie SwisherApril 1, 2021

Beyond the weapon and calls, few tools can be as beneficial to the turkey hunter as a hunting app on his or her phone. The info gleaned from this gadget in the hand can reap big rewards when going to battle with tough turkeys in the spring. 

But what are the go-to features you should expect to have and use when it comes to the hunting apps on your device? We reached out to Brian Murphy of HuntStand for a look at some of his favorite features found on the HuntStand hunting app. These are the features that will help tip the odds for success in your favor this spring. 

Here’s a look at the best HuntStand features for turkey hunting this season. 

Best Huntstand Features For Turkey Hunting
What are the top turkey tools your hunting app should have?

Property Boundaries / Landowner Info

The beauty of any hunting app is that it allows you to know where you are at any given time. It allows you to know where you are in relation to property boundaries, how much room you have to work with, and how/where you should set up to call. 

The tool is also priceless when it comes to knowing landowner information. This is a huge advantage when it comes to securing permission to hunt a particular piece of property. 

Satellite Layers

Layers allow you to know where potential roosting areas are relative to feeding areas. Finding the go-to roost spot around food plots, powerlines, or other locations where turkeys go to feed, bug, dust and move about throughout the day. It’ll also allow you to key in on potential nesting locations for hens around young cutovers, old fields, and early successional habitat. “These layers provide valuable info relative to your set up,” says Murphy.

3D Layer

“Another important layer option benefiting the turkey hunter is the 3D Layer,” says Murphy. “You’ll find valuable insights on the actual layout of land, ridges, draws, and more. This lets you know how to move with cover, as well as how sound carries across the landscape.”

Punching your turkey tag all comes down to being in the right place at the right time. These top tools from HuntStand can help you make that happen.

Weather Info

Rain, cloud cover, wind, temperature, and many other factors all impact turkey movements, gobbling activity, and how sound carries. Picking good weather conditions can directly impact your success. Knowing exactly when the weather will break, and blue skies open, is key to mid-morning/mid-day activity.


A lot of turkey hunters fail to play the wind each spring when working their bird. No, we’re not talking about scent control here. We’re talking about using the wind to your advantage when it comes to more effective calling. “Here, it’s all about wind direction and speed,” says Murphy.  “This feature gives insight on how far a bird is when gobbling (upwind vs. downwind).  Wind direction also allows the hunter to know how hard or soft to call, and how to enter a given area with the least noise that a bird may hear.” 

Distance Measurement Tool

Lastly, one of the most underutilized tools in the arsenal just might be the Distance Measuring Tool.

Why is this one so important?

This tool allows you to know how close to set up to a bird that you may have roosted the evening before. It allows you to know effective range long before you ever set foot on the ground. Measure the distance of a field, as well as the pinch point you’re planning to funnel birds through. Will the bird be close enough for the shot? No more guessing! This tool allows you to know the range and distance you’ll encounter on the properties you’re hunting. 


What about you? What are the top tools you count on day in and day out in the turkey woods? 

Comment below, and let us know what tools you use the most when it comes to the hunting apps on your phone. 

Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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