
Davie Ferraro

Davie Ferraro
Latest Articles
Fooling a Whitetail’s Nose

Following a whitetail's nose can be one of the most difficult things a bowhunter can attempt. However with some strict attention to detail you can certainly tip the odds in your favor.

Tree Stand Safety Tips

One of the most important aspects of any hunt is making sure you are hunting safely. This is especially true when hunting from a treestand or elevated position. These helpful tips will ensure that you return home safety after your next hunt.

Eat Better to Hunt and Live Better

Bowhunter and fitness enthusiast Davie Ferraro provides helpful insight into why eating wild game is not only better for your body, but can help you be a more effective hunter.

The Hunt Strong Boone & Crockett 10 Workout

No matter what big-game animal you are pursuing, this is a great workout to add to your routine.

Physical And Mental Bowhunting Preparation

Bowhunters that are physically and mentally prepared are often the most successful. Follow these tips to get the most out of your off-season preparation.

Bowhunting Alligators

The American Alligator is a big game animal hunted today that still resembles characteristics of the pre-historic. If this hunt is in your future, here are a few helpful tips.

Turkey Calls And Sounds

In order to kill your prey you must first understand it. Or in this case.....learn to speak its language.

Turkey Season Is Here

Start your turkey season off right with these simple, yet, proven tips.

Proper Nutrition for a Hunt Strong Lifestyle

Typical weight-loss plans are a trap. Only a total commitment to a lifestyle change will bring about lasting results.